Virtual Workshop Series
The Healthy Business
10 topics over 2 days
June 4 & 5, 2025
What past participants are saying:

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How long are the sessions and when are they held?
A: The sessions are 3 hours per week, live and virtual. There are 5 sessions in total. Click on the registration button above for specifics on dates and times of the next session.
Q: What platform is used and do I have to attend live?
A: We deliver all sessions live over Zoom and hope that all participants make an effort to attend in person as best practice sharing, perspective sharing, and interaction are key components of the series format. On the odd occasion, if someone must miss, we will record and share a link to the video directly with that participant.
Q: Who attends this series?
A: The series is geared towards anyone who owns or manages a practice or business in the health sector or who aspires to in the future. We have also had participants from health-related non-profits and member-based organizations looking to expand their business knowledge and best practices as well. Past participants have included pharmacists, physicians, veterinarians, physiotherapists, health-related board members, fitness program instructors, clinical consultants, leaders of health-related associations, non-profits, and more!
Q: How much work is there?
A: Each week there is a short pre-work reflection document (~15 min) so that you can come prepared to share your best practices and experiences with the group. After each session, you are provided with a workbook and a number of tools and templates so that you can apply what you learn in your practice. We are open to discussing your plans with you for guidance but no submission of work is required. You will get out of this series what you put into it.